Friday, August 21, 2009


What your parents are waiting for is devine providence. They want vindication. They want to be right because they've gone so far down the path and done so many shameful things along the way that they can't afford to be wrong. If they turn around, they'll have to face those things again.

Best to push forward through the wilderness. That way there is no wasted effort.

They are lost to certainty. There used to be something called skeptics. These people doubted everything. But there movement decayed into cynicism when they let their doubt harden. I guess maybe they forgot to doubt their own doubt and just became cynics.

Now everybody is signed on. They step out of the nursery and pick up their flag. And the salesmen are waiting outside the door to hand them out. The movements are eager for harvest. They need fresh blood and yearn to reach plurality.

That's why the child protection act was passed. The movements couldn't stand by and let their kids be poached by rivals. So they gave them up altogether. Turned them over to the church to raise in protection centers.

The church of non-bias of course. Not the religions of the past. Those old practices are just as fractured as any of the movements. The church of nonbias gave up any political authority. They renounce public life and focus these days on running the protection centers and staying out of the argument. A few of their members are still adherents to the founding order of the factcheckers, but people stopped asking for their judgments and they couldn't intervene without looking like they were taking sides so they stick to their monestaries mostly.

-- Mobile and Free

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