Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Honey, it's not what you say but what you're saying that comes through.

-- Mobile and Free

Location:Divisadero St,San Francisco,United States

Monday, April 26, 2010

Adaptability is noisy

From an evolutionary standpoint, adaptablity is about cluttering a system with noise. Evolution does not present a barrier that organisms create a way to overcome, problems are only overcome when there is some element for success already availible. By exploiting strictures that already exist.

That's what makes the brain such a vital evolutionary tool because it is highly adaptable, but taken as a whole it appears to be all noise. 10 billion solutions looking for a problem.

-- Mobile and Free

Location:Divisadero St,San Francisco,United States

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dinner last night

I got it from the farmers market on sunday from one of our local farms. It's a pretty small-scale, open range farm so I think this chicken had it pretty good (comparatively) before he got to my cutting board.

It was a fascinating experience preparing this bird. My approach to my carnivore-ism is based on the idea that, if i wasn't willing to do the work that was done before it made it too my plate, then i shouldn't be eating it. Cutting the head and feet off was only a small part of the whole process, but, as cornball as it sounds, it actually felt kind of visceral and empowering...very desert-islandy.

But, then we cooked it a little too long in our new rotisserie oven so it was a little tough. Next time we need to check the temp sooner. Oh well, live and learn i guess...the people, not the chicken.

Next step, the whole thing is going in to make some more delicious soup stock.

Though, admittedly, there is something perverse in the composition of the shot with chicken nuzzling up to the knife handle.

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Buy bustop ads in economically depressed communities that promote positive messages and programs for help. Ban ads selling iPads.

-- Mobile and Free

Urban garden

-- Mobile and Free

Location:Eddy St,San Francisco,United States

Nothing new wears well

The first wrinkle or mark is a beacon belching it's presence onto a virgin field.

Location:Gough St,San Francisco,United States