Saturday, October 31, 2009


This is the eurythmics.

How did you know that?

Because I'm old enough so that I remember this as the coolest thing I'd ever seen until then.

-- Mobile and Free
We should live in a world where everyone holds the trigger on everyone else. Then we might begin to appreciate how directly beneficial it is to make sure people don't get pissed off.

Is that a fascist idea?

It could be if it were taken to the logical extension that society through it's tool the government must limit the "harmful" activities of it's members.

In this case I'm talking about everybody freedom and everybody responsibility. Enlightened self-interest.
-- Mobile and Free

Planet killers

There is a place in time where old people are ashamed to look people in the eye as they suffer through their ruined legacy.

-- Mobile and Free

Things to know about a link

Things to know about a link (page):

- What links it makes
- The balance of it's relationships with those links. Represented by the type of line connecting. Three types necessary: outbound link, inbound link, and equal.

Domain views (sites?):

Way of sorting:
Link by relationship
By relationship with others/cross-linking

-- Mobile and Free

Friday, October 30, 2009


Society is not about consensus, it's about contact. It's not the society I would choose, but there it is. It's like complaining that the rollercoaster is too loops and a drop when you wanted three loops, but its going to do its thing no matter what you think so you might as well hang on to your seat.

-- Mobile and Free

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Intent is a positive or negative multiplier on an action. Intending to do a good thing for a good person is a positive; while intending to do a bad thing to a good person is a negative. Whereas doing a good thing for a bad person is positive, doing a bad thing to a bad person is also a positive.

By that logic, the only outcome that doesn't adhere to the math is c--doing something good for someone bad should be a negative.


-- Mobile and Free

Textbook societal suicide pact


"On Thursday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) became the Republican Party’s lead man on technology issues (and probably made Glenn Beck a happy man) by introducing the "Internet Freedom Act." The legislation would prohibit the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from making sure that Internet service providers don’t create a pay-for-play system where they could selectively block or slow content and applications. McCain called these net neutrality rules a "government takeover of the Internet.""

"...McCain was the top recipient of campaign contributions from the telecom industry, taking in $894,379 in the past two years."

Sure. Like the government has the authority to stop a business from putting up a toll booth just because they have a shop on the street.

-- Mobile and Free

Monday, October 26, 2009

Agenda setting

Look at this research for structural understanding of print content.

"Agenda-setting studies proceed to analyze the content of a particular media, assess which items and issues are emphasized most, then correlate those rankings with the surveyed respondents find most pressing." mass comm and pol info processing p. 5

-- Mobile and Freearti

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Bm documentary

How come you didn't dress up for the burningman movie?

Do you dress like a cowboy to watch John Wayne?

-- Mobile and Free

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


A guy sits in a call center collective of raters. Some would say sweatshop, but they don't know about the bandwidth. And if they did they'd pay the collective for a chance to sweat.

The raters screen is alite with stacks of windows. His picotech keyboard hums beneath his ceaseless drumming fingers.

His job is to sift through all the junk for his clients. He is the broker. Most of his clients are straight subscription jobs. He spends his day scanning the webstream for jokes or jobs or naked celebrities, though that channel has taken a hit recently; it seemed to him that celebrities never seemed to wear anything these days. Maybe it was some kind of thing they were doing just to screw with the industry. But hell, there were worse Hollywood fads that could be.

Not only was he a broker, but he microblogged the whole thing. His thoughts came to his finger tips. New article by bob started to make it's way around...going to add that to the Fringe. His computer, reading his text, instinctively copied the webstream address to his tin-hat club for men channel called the Fringe.

-- Mobile and Free


The riaa is a damn that contains a resevoir of artists. They dammed the river to sell the people their water back to them. Now after all these years the damn is cracking from disrepair and the water is spraying all over the place and they're pissed off that everybody with a cup can just help themselves or ask their neighbor for a drink of his.

"yeah, but didn't the riaa make the water?"

"hell no! They created the dam to make scarcity. Think of all the great bands you never heard of. Now think of all the ones you wished you hadn't. That's what comes from production for exchange."

-- Mobile and Free

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Not choices but limitations

Think five brand names is a choice?

What if I said, ok I'm going to give you a problem to solve and you can use either a pistol, a crowbar, a broadsword, or c4. What kinds of solutions would you come up with? What kinds of ends are preexistant in those means?

-- Mobile and Free

Friday, October 16, 2009

A Maxim of Rich Cleland

If I can manage to leave the house in the morning without having to go back in once, then I definitely forgot something.

-- Mobile and Free

Gogol Bordello

I went to a show at the fox theater tonight, and I learned something among the throng: society is not about consensus; it's about contact. It's about giving way to your fellow man when you can, and having the decency to face him when you have to tell him no.

-- Mobile and Free

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Manifest your avatar.

-- Mobile and Free

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I think Candice has been driven to success before, and now she has to see if she can take herself there. The answer scares her. That's why she can't start because there's no answer if you haven't started.

-- Mobile and Free

Friday, October 2, 2009

Man Alive.

I realized I don't need to be the black president because we are all world leaders.

-- Mobile and Free