Wednesday, January 28, 2009
What the iPhone needs is a safari plug in that inserts current location into a web form text field.
location into a web form text field.
Research idea to test personality traits and social promotion.
Send a bunch of users through a click thru like stumble. Give them a
up or down vote and a next button and see how often they bother to
rate something when they think (or perhaps don't think) that voting
will improve the community experience.
Types of internet users:
Creators - make the content
Critcs - dont create anything but they create pathways to that object.
They fill in the spaces around a thing with votes and ratings and
rants and tags. These are the maintence workers on the web.
They take a piece of information, process it, stamp it, and pass it
along. Doing their part to make the better net.
Lurkers - lurk.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Fwd: AOL upload
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Cleland, Richard L."
Subject: Re: AOL upload
I just finished rereading the Dubliners. It helps in understanding Ulysses. Imagine a collection of short stories where nothing really noteworthy or even dramatic happens __ just the everyday disappointments of miserable people. "One by one they were all becoming shades. Better pass boldly into that other world, in full glory of some passion, than fade and wither dismally with age.".
From: Rich Cleland
To: Jackie Cleland; Rich Cleland ; Cleland, Richard L.
Sent: Tue Jan 13 17:24:57 2009
Subject: AOL uploadCheck this out from an internet outlet (coffee shop or at the office). You can download the software from here, install it on your new laptop and then plug your phone line in when you get home to log in.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Jesus was a budhist.
"I am going to live forever."
time. At that moment, staring at the impossible wreckage, he finally
believed it.
He was dead within 12 hours. Cancer. Nobody knew.