Sunday, May 30, 2010

About last night

I let the lesser influences of my better friends get the best of me.

-- Mobile and Free

Location:Divisadero St,San Francisco,United States

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Our government was set up by revolutionaries who enshrine one single, legitimate instument to dictate the transfer of power. It is written in our culture and broadcast by our media. The message of one vote to each was made the eternal bulwark of the people against tyranny.

But erosion has been it's timeless end. The system to protect the people has been coopted to work against them because the oligarchy writes our culture and broadcasts our media.

They now hold the gates of power and the high wall built to keep them out blocks the people instead.

Elections are exercises in psychological manipulation that mocks the motion of the machine and placates the people who lost their connection to the meaning of it anyway.

Any alternatives to the system are delegitimized in the media. The only way in is through the festering gates where no one can pass unstained.

Needs work. Interesting metaphor s

-- Mobile and Free

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


She's a big shit in a mall bowl.

-- Mobile and Free

Saturday, May 22, 2010


If you are going to build something that will change the world, you have to accept that you're never going to really know how to use it because you most likely built it to do something else entirely.

-- Mobile and Free

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Best hack

A virus which launches a program that takes priority control of the CPU waiting for a user response. All computers would pause until someone clicked continue...on each one.

Man, what a fuck you very much to text support.

-- Mobile and Free

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Semantic Web is a cult

-- Mobile and Free

Location:Divisadero St,San Francisco,United States

Whose murder trial is it?

The murderer or the murdered?

-- Mobile and Free