Saturday, January 30, 2010


"How can you feel that way about your own sister?"

"there aren't a lot of advantages (upsides?) to attachment disorder. I have to take them where they come." I've learned to take them where I can.

Characters in a story about the path.

-- Mobile and Free

Friday, January 29, 2010


One thing I don't like about yoga is it always reminds me how diabolically, fucking short my arms are.

-- Mobile and Free

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Reading Kafka was the rage

...near the end of this fasinating book about nothing much.

"I'm 20 minutes from home! "

"what does that mean?"

"You know when you're on a 13-hour road trip and the last 20 minutes seems to take as long as 13 hours"

-- Mobile and Free

Monday, January 18, 2010

Kennedy Honors

Dave Brubeck jazz

-- Mobile and Free


The americano in the brown horizontal striped tee over brown trunks (at the mall) with bright Hawaiian orange flowers. The geranimal for that is "doushe."

-- Mobile and Free

Location:Panama city, panama

Michael kors

Pity the critic who decides to make something. He'll have to feast on his own grist sooner or later.

-- Mobile and Free

Location:Market St,San Francisco,United States

New Level

Two beings are having a conversation while strapped into tech chairs. Wires, vids, the works. They are manually controling a remote pair of organics on a distant planet.

The beings jacked into the Earth Program from their unconsciousness chairs (better word) have operated the humans on the planet through the course their evolution.

Thrill seekers, anthropologists, joy riders, social workers (they operate within the system out of a sense of horror and responsibility at what the others do), religious pilgrams, and cult psychopaths. They enter onto a type of Internet.

The two in these chairs are "in seat" on a couple of tech geeks working on a project that will allow them to mentally link and control a pair of coachroaches (lab rats?) through a maze. One being taps his partner on the arm and asks, "what happens when they create worlds of new beings to control?"

A wry smile curled across the eye of his friend who answered triumphantly, "Level Two!"

The first whispered to himself, yeah, but what if it's actually level three? Or four?" and went back into the game.

-- Mobile and Free

Location:Eddy St,San Francisco,United States


Of course I'm a slacker. Look at me. THIS is my job! I get up at five pm, puke, and go back to bed.

-- Mobile and Free

Location:Post St,San Francisco,United States

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Rat Patrol in the Buick Electra

Marra B. Gad For one night...and one night only, I will be in Palo Alto on Monday, 1 February! My meeting schedule won't allow for me to get to SF, but I would love it if you and Michelle will come to PA for dinner :) XO!
Yesterday at 7:52am · Comment · Like · See Wall-to-Wall

Rich Cleland sounds like a plan. Michelle doesn't get off work on mondays until 5 so it would have to be around 8 or something for dinner. work?
Yesterday at 9:30am ·

Marra B. Gad That is actually perfect, as I have a 5:30 meeting. SO excited!!
Yesterday at 9:40am ·

Rich Cleland are you here yet? are you here yet? how 'bout now? how 'bout now?
about an hour ago ·

Marra B. Gad If I have to pull the plane over, you're going to be in big trouble young man...
about an hour ago ·

Rich Cleland hehe. I think the last time my dad said that to me, he was driving down highway 169 in our lime green tank of a buick electra from '75 or something. The car was deathly quiet and the road was pitch black and empty. I was in the back leaning over the front bench seat, draping my arms over, filling the gap between my parents.

But really i was streaming across the deserts of North Africa manning the machine gun mount of our jeep from Rat Patrol. Out of nowhere, Jerry came streaking across the dune ahead of us. It was more reflex than intent. I sighted and squeezed the trigger hard in my outstretched hands. My gun responded with a steady roar as I emptied the belt. tckthckt tchcthtk chtkchtkchkchkchtktchchthchthththchthc flowed as my teeth-smacked tongue unleashed its practiced furry into the night, and my dad's sleepy ear.

Startled but uninjured, my father engaged the evasive maneuvers and that lumbering tub swayed away from and then back to our empty lane in the empty night. "What the hell is wrong with you, boy?" he said as I snapped back to physical reality. "Don't make me have to come back there for you!"

I tried to explain about the patrol, my training, and the Jerries, but he told me to just sit back and start counting mile markers. Then after four or five, he added, "Silently, damn it!"

Marra B. Gad Oh my darling....your genius and creativity have long been under- appreciated. Love from Mile Marker 18.....

Saturday, January 9, 2010

From Raudenbush

In The Mission of Art by Alex Grey:

For Michelle and Rich

It's wonderful to have you both as friends as we make it our mission to make sense of this world.

With love and laughter ( and dust & coctails ),


-- Mobile and Free